Vannevar Bush described the “memex” in his 1945 article “ As We May Think”. This thing is similar to computers or smartphones. It is a device in which a person can store all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. The brilliance of the “memex” and how it tackles the problem of information access is by way of associative indexing. The concept of the “memex” influenced the development of early hypertext systems, eventually leading to the creation of the World Wide Web, and personal knowledge base software. From my perspective, “memex” has contributed to the creation and development of blogs and Medium, TikTok, Instagram, or other collection and authoring tools. These tools have updated features such as the ability for users to upload videos, audio, etc. They also have richer search capabilities. However, the functions of “memex” are the basis of these functional concepts of this Apps.
Wikipedia contributors, “Memex,” Feb, 2, 2022,