Ada Lovelace, known as the first author of a computer program was born in 1815, a poet father that’s not around much, and a mathematics-loving mother. Ada is in a privileged position compared to other young women which allows her talent and hard work to seize the right opportunity given to success. Ada’s parents were both privileged members of the aristocracy, both were gifted and more importantly we-educated. Growing up, Ada’s mother made sure she learn math, science, and music to differentiate her from her peers. At age 17 she met 42-year-old Charles Babbage, a mathematic professor at Cambridge University, later known as the father of the computer. They begin working together closely on math and computing as he developed the Analytical Engine. Then Ada published an important English transcript from French of an article on the Analytical Engine by an Italian engineer, Luigi Menabrea, along with her thoughts and understanding of computer mathematics along with the first computer algorithm. I noticed there was some controversy about her work, some biographers debate the extent and originality of Ada’s contribution based on her identity. Allan G. Bromley insists that correspondence with Babbage shows that she did not have the knowledge and it is all prepared by Babbage for her. But most people like Doron Swade believes Ada ‘saw something that Babbage in some sense failed to see’ that number could represent entities other than quantity. However, Ada Lovelace is not only important as a pioneer of computer program design, she is also a mother of 3 children, Byron, Anne, and Ralph. She is our role model to respect and look up to, inspiration as to what women are capable of and more.
Ada Lovelace