Adobe Illustrator


Research who originally designed this software – who were the Interaction Designers? From my findings, John Warnock the co-founder of Adobe created the software. I was not able to find the name of any interaction designers involved in creating Adobe Illustrator though.

The History of Adobe Illustrator
Found a promotional video about illustrator from 1988. Very interesting youtube video.
Adobe Illustrator CS2 - Review 2005 - PCMag UK
Adobe Illustrator in 2008
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Basics - Pen Tool Tutorial - YouTube
Adobe Illustrator 2012
Adobe Illustrator 2022 With Lifetime License For Windows
Adobe Illustrator 2022

The designs of illustrator has developed with many more commands for users to use. Though the functions are almost the exact same the capabilities are much more.

Can you determine when the software originally launched, what was the original company?
It was originally launched with Adobe in 1987. First made for apple macintosh and then released to Microsoft windows in 1989.

Is the software delivered in the same fashion? Is it an install into the computer?
Yes it has the same function as it did in 87. It was a software application. From what I could find it was delivered in the same fashion as it is today.

The first thing that really comes to mind for users that makes it easier to use is the entire feature of the adobe cloud. Being able to reach files from the adobe cloud database. We now have a greater knowledge of computers and the commands that are possible like command z, when it comes to the use of illustrator, users who are first using illustrator there is a very large learning curve for them, but then it makes sense.,released%20on%20March%2019%2C%201987.

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About the author

Robert Leng