
Revealing the Importance of Learning Historical Inventions as Designer

The context in which we receive the information will affect our interpretation of the information, our opinion, and the decisions we make. Therefore, studying history is a positive way to add context to our better understanding of design. As an interaction designer, understanding the background of moveable type and the Renaissance as a time of invention is important. When we use different fonts...

Renaissance and Type in Interaction Design

Renaissance-era starts in Florence and spread throughout Italy. Leonardo Da Vinci studied Anthropometry, the measurement of a human individual, which today plays a role in Computer design such as accessibility, simplicity of instructions, and ergonomics. Around this time, he also studied the flight of birds as a reference to designing a flying machine for people. Movable type started in Northern...

moveable type and Renaissance

As mentioned in the video, Maco Polo helps the spread of moveable type to the world with new renovations. Vinci’s design amazes people with how advanced his thinking is. His anthropometric continues to guide and influence creators in different fields of design and the simplicity of instructions he creates on the artwork itself is what we look up to. The importance of studying his artwork is...

Renaissance and movable type

In relation to the Renaissance, as Johan Burkhardt describes it, “a self-conscious golden age bursting with culture, art, discovery, and vying with the ancients for the title of Europe’s most glorious age.” The Renaissance saw some great artists, along with other scientists, politicians, etc., allowed Europe to open up new cultures and histories. It also lays the foundation for...

On the Renaissance and Type

While “interaction design” may itself be a newer term, its roots run deep, tangling with various other disciplines along the way. As such, we can’t hope to fully understand it (nor our own design practices) without tracing each connection to its origin. A quote about Leonardo Da Vinci encapsulates this idea very well: “…he painted it, he investigated...

The Importance of Movable Type and Renaissance Inventions to Interaction Designers

From my perspective, it is important for the interaction designer to have a basic background understanding of movable type printing. This helps give them ideas for icon and font design. And it is essential for the interaction designer to know the basics and some common practices. When doing this, one must learn to write characters in reverse with a Chinese brush. If interaction designers...