CategoryInformation Design

Information architecture

Information architecture and interaction design are interconnected. When interaction designer research and builds amazing experiences for users, information architects focus on developing, organizing, structuring, labeling information, and content in an effective way to enhance good experiences. My friends always describe me as a food lover. Since I am living alone I always go on apps like Uber...

Between Information Architecture and IXD

Information architecture is the organization of information. A good information architecture can better present and guide users to recognize information, so that users can find the final information more efficiently and smoothly. Why is IA important? For some products that do not have many features, their information structure is generally simple and clear. Users can find what they want at a...

Information architecture

To be honest, I can’t say I’ve experienced website or app with good information architecture. Even though I see some well organized website with good IA, I always curious about overlap category as a user. For example, this is one of my least favorite website I’ve ever experienced, it’s called ‘Work day”. I believe we can still called it “IA”. When...

Information Architecture vs. Interaction Design

While sometimes, people tend to think that there is not a very big difference between Information Architecture and Interaction Design, there is still a clear distinction between them. As the name suggests, Information Architecture is the overall structure of the contents. It serves as a tool for indicating how they are arranged. It is simply a visual representation of product infrastructure...


Information Architecture is often described as the art and science of organizing and labeling sources of information such as websites and software to improve usability and findability. A great IA is the gateway to constructing a reliable online community, and that requires advanced knowledge from fields even beyond just art and design, including principles taken from architecture and information...

Experiences in information architecture

My first knowledge of information architecture came from a class where the professor asked us to put all the information labels that could potentially appear in our design on a sticky note. This activity was my first step in understanding information architecture. After doing that, I did find that I knew how to arrange the information better in the design.After I learned about information...

Information Architecture & I

For a very long time, information architecture was this slippery thing that I’d only ever experienced in site maps and task flows. Foundations class was arguably our (IXD students’) biggest dive into these practices, likely due to the fact that, at the time, none of us were really aware of the complex frameworks underpinning our favorite websites and apps. Later, I came to understand...

IA and IXD

In my own opinion, I think what’s different between IA and interaction design is the target user of the organized information will deliver to. IA will make the vast and complex information easier to understand, but it’s still for someone with a professional need. After that comes the interaction designer, further simplifying the information and organizing them so everyone can use and...

information architecture and interaction design

Information Architecture is about helping people understand their surroundings and find what they’re looking for in the real world and online. It’s also relevant to the analog world we live in. The growth of the Internet exploded in the 1990s, and small sites grew into big messes, leading to usability problems, content nightmares, and costly redesigns. People realized that planning...

Information Architecture

Information Architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable manner. The goal is to help users find information and complete tasks. IA exists at the center of users, context, and content. I used to design a KIOSK, including site map design, Task flow design, Figma design interface, user testing, etc. The information architecture (or...