
Multi-Discipline Mid-Century Designers

I think mid-Century designers are very different from current designers, because there are many, many convenient and practical designs in modern times, and most of today’s designers focus more on innovative designs and aesthetics. But mid-century designers not only wanted to design appearance and beauty, they considered more about how to make users comfortable and convenient to use. The...

Multi-Discipline Mid-Century Designers

As a designer, a broad way of thinking is necessary, and we should not limit ourselves to a single field of design. And I think as an interaction designer, all the methods around us are worth exploring. We can examine whether the product’s user experience is good from the standpoint of the designer, and we can change the product from the perspective of the product designer, etc. The great...

The Value of Multi-disciplinary Design

Design is everywhere. Beyond interfaces, design is in every aspect of our lives, from the things we use, the environment we are in, the food we eat, and even our relationship with people. As designers, our responsibility exceeds far beyond making things functional and aesthetically pleasing, we must also consider how our design impacts other aspects of the world, which is why it is super valuable...


From my perspective, we can learn a lot of useful things from these multidisciplinary mid-century designers. They are exposed to many different fields and disciplines and have a wide range of mindsets. Their different professional knowledge together influences their designs. As a young generation of designers, we should try to contact and learn different disciplines and fields, and use what we...

Multi Diciplined

I can learn a lot from the designers who were multi-disciplined. Their ability to be able to not limit their expertise to not just a single area allowing their knowledge and experience to affect all areas of design is very inspiring. I really do believe that a designer’s eye is not limited to just one area, we do train our eyes to become more experienced in specific fields we enjoy, but it...