CategoryThe Mother of All Demos

mother of all demo

The video we viewed this week is super inspiring. This very early demo of the future computer format and function is very accurate and has a very different idea of solving the current problem. As the video’s title is” mother of all demo,” this is really impressive to see how people without all the knowledge of the technology we have but still figuring out how to categorize...

 The mother of all demos

Douglas Engelbart installed two cameras at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Pala Alto at the time and two others at the San Francisco Civic Center to demonstrate sending and receiving messages by banging his colleagues at the SRI. Standing on stage, he showed participants clicking and jumping on the computer screen with a mouse. Using a mouse, the text was linked to hypertext on the...

Englebart on Augmenting Human Intellect

In 1968, Douglas C. Englebart wow’s the crowd with his presentation on computer features that people have never seen before. He also demonstrates the hardware: the mouse and the keyboard. Things that most of us, at least for us interaction designers, use everyday. Englebart’s law is : “Digital technology would became increasingly miniaturized and affordable, its injection into...

The Mother of All Demos

IBM’s inventions and achievements are far ahead of their time. The products they created led to the emergence and advancement of a number of products. IBM has indelibly influenced the American workforce. Although the computer invented by Douglas and his team was large and had many shortcomings, it was indeed a reflection of the progress of the times. After a series of reorganizations, IBM...

The Beginning Prototype

The early computers created were revolutionary to the working world. Even though their size was unmatched compared to what we have today, the ability to be able to punch cards and automation was profound to the working world. Even the development of typewriters and what was processed into an automatic typewriting machine was a major advancement. The prototype that emerged from Doug Englebart and...

The Epiphany of Interactive Technology

Douglas Engelbart During the 1950s and 1960,s the few computers that actually existed mainly were built for the purpose of mathematical calculations, but nowadays, we use computers in all aspects of our lives – not just as a tool for solving complex mathematic problems, but for entertainment, education, communication, and so on. The year 1968 marked the change in computing history when the...