Changes of GUI


The computer interface has changed a lot since the first release of the Star system. There is also a massive leap from Star to the first macintosh. What I noticed the most was the evolution of the keyboard. As people can see, there is a separate part for the Star keyboard to accomplish tasks like move, copy& paste, etc. However, users use digital buttons in the macintosh system to complete those tasks. What I consider interesting is there are short-cuts in modern systems like ctrl-c and ctrl-v, which can make the process easier and faster. Improving the efficiency of completing tasks is also one of the significant changes since the first release of UI systems. Another change is the clearer hierarchy of the files now. We can own thousands of files with folders in folders systems.
However, the overall appearance of the desktop and the logic behind it did not change a lot. We still have top bars, folders, and finders on our desktop for users to reach fastly. Like the order of letters on a typewriter, rules like these cannot be changed in the short term of time because people are used to it, and it is hard to learn a new system.
I believe the future trends of interfaces will still be the improvements of efficiency and accessibility. And an excellent way to approach these goals is by body gestures and wearable devices—the symbiosis of technology and human.

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About the author

Clarice Woo