Man-Computer symbiosis


In Licklider’s paper Man-Computer Symbiosis (1960), he tells us his prediction of future relationships between humans and computers. He believes that humans and computers can play to their strengths in symbiosis at some point in the future. This is one of the earliest papers discussing the relationship between humans and computers. Although it is early, I think Licklider’s prediction is gradually coming true.
As I know, computers hold much better calculation and organizing skills than humans, while humans are good at judging situations and making reasonable decisions. We are already starting to symbiosis with computers daily, like using maps on our phones. For example, I use Google Maps when I go to a new place. The map always helps me get familiar with the city, and I can trust it firmly. I’m the walking person cautioning the traffic light and cars while the map assists me in getting to the destination. I can feel that the concept of human-computer cooperation is becoming more and more in new technologies, like the Apple watch and different kinds of wireless devices. Licklider’s vision is becoming true, and I think the positive future of technologies will step on the road of human-computer symbiosis.

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About the author

Clarice Woo