Man-Computer Symbiosis in Interaction Design


A brief explanation of the Licklider’s “Man-Computer Symbiosis”:

  1. Building computers to be able to help humans solve complex problems much more effectively
  2. Humans are able to cooperate in various ways with the computers

The human will set a goal, make a hypothesis, determine the criteria, and perform the evaluations.

How does the computer help? Developments in computer time-sharing, memory components, programming languages, and input and output equipment.

So, how does this help interaction designers?

This evolution of machines is the foundation of interaction design. Without this symbiosis with technology, I would not be here typing on my laptop and making this blog. As this evolution of machines has become so advanced, I take for granted all of the small things that my laptop can help me do today such as creating lists, organizing my files, and navigating the internet. On a larger scale, I focus on making user-friendly, and exciting experiences for users, this is my ultimate goal. An experience that falls under events, products, environments, processes, and services.

This is a simple chart that I drew on my iPad about experience design:

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About the author

Amy Gil