Patterns related to digital spaces


I am very interested in Christopher Alexander’s concept of architectural patterns. And I think his point is just as valid for the app. In “A Pattern Language”, Christopher talks about the fact that in many modern building complexes the problem of disorientation is acute. People have no idea where they are, and they experience considerable mental stress as a result. This problem also occurs when people use an unfamiliar app. So a reasonable layout and well-understood design are very important for the design of an app or web page. As Christopher said: “We conclude that any environment which requires that a person pay attention to it constantly is as bad for a person who knows it, as for a stranger. A good environment is one which is easy to understand, without conscious attention.” 

From my point of view, Slack is a good example. It has many different but clear categories and users can easily find the section they need to use. Each channel is like a different room in a building. Users can easily find them on the left side of the page.

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About the author

Zhuofan Yuan