

Amy Gil's articles

Catt Small is a 22-year-old user experience designer and game developer born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She started coding websites and games at the age of ten, her initial inspiration for what she does today. I chose to write about her because she is a young designer and loves games just like I […]

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What is slack? Slack is a messaging app for business that connects people to the information they need. By bringing people together to work as one unified team, Slack transforms the way organizations communicate. Slack. “What Is Slack?” Slack Help Center, Accessed 15 Apr. 2022. Software delivery You can use Slack in your web […]

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A comic about the life of De Nichols, illustrated by Amaris Gil. Bibliography Nichols, De. 1515. “The Art of Protest.” 1515. Nichols, De. 2015. “The Mirror Casket Project.” 2015. ———. n.d. “About De.” De Nichols. Accessed April 2, 2022.

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This is a heuristic evaluation of my perspective that compares early GUIs to modern GUIs. What changed? Color: the immediate change that I see is color. Early GUIs only had black and white, while today we have all sorts of colors. Resolution & speed: today we have interfaces of high resolution leading to a higher […]

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The Oregon Trail The Oregon Trail is an educational game that launched in 1971, it attempts to simulate what it was like to travel the Oregon Trail in 1848. Why I think it became one of the most popular games of its time: Personalization I was asked to choose what the scope of my journey […]

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Christopher Alexander writes about design patterns in living spaces in his book A Pattern Language, I’m going to talk about how some of these patterns are implemented into the Work Community online. activity pockets “The life of a public square forms naturally around its edge. If the edge fails, then the space never becomes lively.” […]

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Below are some sketches of how I envisioned the technology described in the science fiction novel Old Man’s War by John Scalzi. PDa The PDA is a Personal Device Assistant that helps recruiters get by their day-to-day, like a smartphone. Recruiters are able to check times, get directions, set alarms, make appointments, check menus, etc. […]

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In 1968, Douglas C. Englebart wow’s the crowd with his presentation on computer features that people have never seen before. He also demonstrates the hardware: the mouse and the keyboard. Things that most of us, at least for us interaction designers, use everyday. Englebart’s law is : “Digital technology would became increasingly miniaturized and affordable, its […]

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A brief explanation of the Licklider’s “Man-Computer Symbiosis”: Building computers to be able to help humans solve complex problems much more effectively Humans are able to cooperate in various ways with the computers The human will set a goal, make a hypothesis, determine the criteria, and perform the evaluations. How does the computer help? Developments […]

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Education has made its way into Tangible User Interface Design, a user interface that is interacted through touch. Reefs on the Edge is an interactive installation on Climate Change by Phillip Gough in Australia. This installation is meant for users to learn and explore the endangered coral reefs and how coral spawning can help reverse […]

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