

Clarice Woo's articles

In the two Black Mirror episodes we watched in class, it was Crocodile that made me concerned about technology. The memory extraction technology described in it is not new in science fiction, but this episode made me think about the various problems this technology could bring. I believe that this technology brings tragedy to the […]

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Good design can evoke the bright side of humanity. Attend the needs of the weak and underprivileged groups. Softness and curiosity are the needles to sew pieces together. I grew up in a happy and pure environment, where everyone I met showered me kindness. The light of humanity shone so brightly in my memory that […]

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My first knowledge of information architecture came from a class where the professor asked us to put all the information labels that could potentially appear in our design on a sticky note. This activity was my first step in understanding information architecture. After doing that, I did find that I knew how to arrange the […]

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Adobe illustrator is a computer graphics software released by adobe in 1978, conceived by John Warnock, and is a SAAS. Up to now, the illustrator has only run on computers. The original illustrator was designed for the Apple Macintosh, and as you can see from the picture below, the toolbar was on the left side, […]

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The Oregon Trail and Pong! are two different types of video games, while both succeeded when they were released. After playing the two versions of the Oregon Trail, I can see why it is so popular. First, there are so many choices and freedom in it. There are thousands of combinations and possibilities in the […]

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The computer interface has changed a lot since the first release of the Star system. There is also a massive leap from Star to the first macintosh. What I noticed the most was the evolution of the keyboard. As people can see, there is a separate part for the Star keyboard to accomplish tasks like […]

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Christopher Alexander pointed out that all communities gather from the edges, and if the initial gathering at the edges does not succeed, the group will not succeed. And people need some places to stay (like stores and garden ), and slowly there will be a group. This makes me think of the structure of Slack. […]

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