

Johnny Wang's articles

The recent interaction I have is using google drive, and that’s very interesting because I never think about using google drive with a disability. There are a lot of different kinds of disabilities, and I guess the only way to solve the problem for all human beings will be a machine that can read the […]

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In my own opinion, I think what’s different between IA and interaction design is the target user of the organized information will deliver to. IA will make the vast and complex information easier to understand, but it’s still for someone with a professional need. After that comes the interaction designer, further simplifying the information and […]

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I played the Oregon tail (1990), and for this game, I can see this being a very popular game at the time. Oregon tail feels like telling a story, but under the player’s controls for the autorun setup, and the sweet thing right here is the user can feel like they are involved in the […]

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The video we viewed this week is super inspiring. This very early demo of the future computer format and function is very accurate and has a very different idea of solving the current problem. As the video’s title is” mother of all demo,” this is really impressive to see how people without all the knowledge […]

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