

Xingyu Yang's articles

In class, we watched Black Mirror’s crocodile, the technology product described in this episode is a technology that can be placed on the temple with a small button, and then through a small computer, the user’s memories can be seen. This memory is a video The pattern is produced, and it is very clear, and […]

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The last time I used interactive tools was when I used arrows and directions to find a classroom in the school, although the school’s road sign design was imperfect and inconvenient in my opinion. I think if it is designed for disabled people, there should be different wayfinding, for example, some disabled wheelchair self-service areas […]

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The software I chose was WeChat, which was originally designed by Zhang Yong, which was then named “WeChat” by Ma Huateng and released to the public through Tencent Group.I didn’t find the original patent documents of WeChat on the Internet, but I found some patent documents about some special interaction methods of WeChat, one of […]

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Through the story of the article, I have a general image understanding and usage of PDA and brainpal. Here is a sketch of my PDA and brainpal.I think a PDA is like a mobile phone or a tablet. It is an electronic product that can be carried around with a pen. I think its functions […]

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Christopher Alexander’s pattern language is known for providing simple, formatted, user-friendly solutions to complex design problems ranging from urban planning to interior design. A Pattern Language is significant for demystifying complex socio-spatial considerations through a simple building-block format which makes this content accessible to non-professionals and is one reason why this text is believed to […]

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I think mid-Century designers are very different from current designers, because there are many, many convenient and practical designs in modern times, and most of today’s designers focus more on innovative designs and aesthetics. But mid-century designers not only wanted to design appearance and beauty, they considered more about how to make users comfortable and […]

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This is a biography of Dana Cho. Dana Cho is a partner at IDEO in Palo Alto, California. She is responsible for helping designers, clients and organizations create great and scalable brand experiences. Her areas of focus are hospitality, healthcare, and retail. Dana brings a people-centric perspective to drive product innovation and create new services […]

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Scientist Vanneva Bush imagined a possible direction of human technology after World War II in Memex, and imagined many technological developments, such as many advanced photography techniques, he thought that there would be faster materials and lenses in the future, and more The automatic camera, he imagined a camera slightly larger than a walnut could […]

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The contribution of female scholars in the scientific community has always been indelible. Although the contribution of women is not as much as that of men, women have also made great contributions to society and the scientific community. But they also have various prejudices and obstacles in the process of their fruitful achievements. They can […]

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Every bit of warmth in life is worth pursuing bravely. We hope to have a good imagination, to sense, to realize the origin of all things, to put commitments into practical actions, and to serve human society with simple and convenient design requirements. A beautiful and loving interpretation, giving more hope and expectations to the […]

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