Symbols and Cuneiform to iconography


The symbols seen across the world in caves have a similarity as seen in the image above. From North America, Europe, Australia, and Central Africa there are symbols being used. They all use these symbols to communicate an idea, a story, their history in a sense of pictures.

How do we know the meaning of the inscriptions written in Sumerian  cuneiform? - Quora

The Symbols that once were used to tell a story were developed into a way to communicate, a writing system. The image above shows the Sumerian Cuneiform an early adaptation of their alphabet. The Sumerian Cuneiform has a symbol similar to that as seen in the caves, fourth one down, barley. Sumerian Cuneiform eventually would develop into the confusing alphabet of arrows and lines that they would use to write.

When I see something like these symbols and Sumerian Cuneiform I think of Yelp’s Icons. Yelp uses Icons (and words) to communicate different serves they offer (as seen above). These pictures, symbols, tell a story of what you will be topic you will be taken to if pressed. The symbols have the same goal as the icons we have today. It tells a story, a development of what would happen or could happen if pressed.

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About the author

Robert Leng