The Bauhaus


Opening the site is an introduction to the Bauhaus School. There is a History of the Bauhaus, Masters and Apprentices, Principles and Curriculum. It also includes Key Elements of the Bauhaus school, such as From and Color, Matter and Material, Body, and Sprit.

The Bauhaus was one of the most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with “holistic” works of art. The Bauhaus helped move the design world away from the early-20th-century flamboyance that emphasized function over form and pioneered the minimalist trend. And by far, minimalism remains one of the most popular styles. Bauhaus advocated the creation of beauty through purposeful utilitarian design, independent of mass production. It argues that innovation can still combine mass production with technology. It’s about simplicity and usefulness. It avoids the trappings of decoration, and it believes that any medium can be an interface to the Bauhaus way of thinking. These core values are still relevant today to anyone working on graphics and branding, product design, or even designing applications or services in the digital realm. Bauhaus teaching focused on giving practical and craft skills such as interior design, architecture, textiles, and equal woodwork status with fine arts. It also sees technology as a great enabler. These are also very popular now, pay attention to the integrity of the design; the design style is simple and elegant.

Work Cited:

Banks, Tom. “Bauhaus: What Was It and Why Is It Important Today? | Design Week.” Design Week, 19 Feb. 2019,‌

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Tingyi Li