Why are Ada Lovelace and Lillian Gilbreth important to know about for IXD History?

Ada Lovelace’s translation of the article, The Analytical Engine by the Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, did not only change the language but she also added more of her own notes, and retitled it as “Notes”. In the Notes, she introduced her ideas of various purposes of use of computer, even the use for the advanced algorithms. She claimed that the computers can be used for other purposes more than calculating the numbers to improve humans life. These ideas were spread to more computer scientists and engineers even after Ada’s death, and encouraged them to have wider view of possibilities of computer technology.
While Ada opened up chances to expand the convenience in our life from technical aspect, Lilian Gilbreth introduced methods and products to improve the efficiency of our life events from the industrial aspect, such as kitchen layout, surgical equipments and procedures, and rehabilitation of the handicaps, and more. Without learning the contributions of Ada Lovelace and Lillian Gilbreth to our designed convenience life, we, as interaction designers may not develop critical thinking skill over the origin and purpose of the products or services we will be designing for. In my opinion, understanding the root of design is important because design often cycles and repeats over time in general. It is definitely important to know the history of design of my focus, to obtain the skill to improve cycling design concepts.

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