Manifesto for Human Centered AI

AI Will Not Replace Us

As designers, we make a commitment to expand connectivity, time efficient solutions, and data driven design choices with the aid of AI tools. AI is shaping the world around us. It increases inspiration, inexpensively produces designs, and picks up on problems that may have not been solved before. AI can also be deemed as plagiarism, unpredictable, and not creative. Designers are what make AI human-centered. Without the input of human morals and knowledge, AI would only be a biased platform of limited information. It will not replace us, it needs us, as much as we need it.

Accountability, reliability, inclusivity, security, and privacy are some of the ethical pillars considerations designers and developers must reflect on when using AI. Accountable for the deep rooted racism and patriarchal issues artificial intelligence has ingrained in its database. It replicates based on the majority white male labor force that further develops it. Bias seeping its way into the development of AI’s learned knowledge will harm many and benefit few. Reliability and inclusivity are necessary for ethical AI and needs to be as fine tuned as possible before pushing new versions onto the market. Continuously including user feedback will foster dialogue for criticism and improvement. Security and privacy are constant worries. We want systems that will not execute unauthorized transactions, manipulate data, or bypass security measures.

It needs us, as much as we need it. In the design industry, there are growing fears that AI will replace the jobs of artists or designers. However, dealing with new technology is central to the evolution of practicing professionals. It cuts back on the amount of hours an artist might spend on generating new ideas for project execution. For now, its capabilities are limited and we will never be replaced by those technologies at the development rate it is at now. It takes a human to prompt and motivate the AI before it can improve on our ideas. Present day AI is by the artist, for the artist, and an exciting tool for many industries if it’s implemented in an ethical manner.


  • Rhea, Han, and Xialin.

-Sharnee, Ivy, Rhea


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