How did the Xerox Star change the direction of computing?

As a student studying Human-Computer Interaction Design. I find the Xerox Star computer pretty amazing. This computer, introduced in 1981, did something special. It made computers easier for people to use. It had a visual interface with icons, windows, and a mouse, which is how we use computers today. Before this, computers were mostly text-based and not very user-friendly.

The Xerox Star also changed how we work with documents. It made text on the screen look just like it would on paper, which was a big deal back then. Plus, it could send messages to other people on the same network, like a very early form of email. This started the idea of computers being able to talk to each other.

This computer influenced other companies like Apple and Microsoft. They borrowed ideas from the Xerox Star to make their own computers better. So, as an HCI student, I’d feel impressed by how the Xerox Star made technology easier to use and inspired many of the things we do with computers today. It’s a reminder of how innovations from the past continue to shape the future of technology.

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