The internet and other functionality we have come to rely on was originally funded by government and department of defense budgets. In your opinion should governments, corporations or open source ventures be responsible for inventing new technology?

Governments have the ability to fund long-term, risky research that might not make quick profits, which can lead to groundbreaking discoveries that benefit everyone. They can also create rules to make sure technology is developed safely and ethically. But to make the most of new technology, governments should partner with businesses and open-source projects. Companies, on the other hand, usually have the money and motivation to drive innovation. They aim to stay competitive and make money, and they can get new tech to the market efficiently, creating jobs and boosting the economy. Open-source projects work together, are open to everyone, and share what they create, making tech develop quickly and be available to all, without being limited by profit interests. Each of these approaches has its strengths and can contribute to technology advancement.

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