Day: September 5, 2020


The app I chose is “LINE.” One of the famous communication apps in east Asia and southeast Asia. The similarity between those ancient times languages and icons on “LINE” is they both try to make products or elements in the real world into simple graphics. And I think LINE icons are much similar to Egyptian…


The app I decided to choose with many icons is Snapchat. The icons and buttons I find interesting featured in the app include: map, camera, friends, and texting. These buttons take after the sumerian alphabet’s approach of simple yet explanatory. The sumerian alphabet is best compared to the app I chose because of its simplistic…


I chose Xbox app as it has a variety of Icons. Among them, I selected ‘pins’, ‘search’, and ‘achievement’ as one group, and ‘settings’ as another. Compared to Sumerian, which has included the whole syllable and read as logographs or syllables, the icons on the Xbox app are ideographs which symbolise the idea and concept…
