In 1945, Vannevar Bush described a computer system that is similar to the modern internet in an essay that was published in the Atlantic titled “As We May Think.” The invention he made was called “the memex.” Bush imagined the memex as a device that would function as a supplement to our own memory. People…
Bauhaus Exercise
As interaction and product designer, it is important to learn about Bauhaus and Bauhaus had a great contribution to the history of IxD. To me, the revolutionary ideas that Bauhaus brought to the world can be concluded in three primary points: 1. Unification of art/design and technology. 2. The purpose of design is to focus…
Xia Peisu biography
Xia Peisu was a computer scientist from China who had a great contribution to the development of computational technology and participated in building the first computer in China. Because of her contributions, she was considered as “the mother of computer science in China,” and received a lifetime achievement award that was given by the Chinese…
Ada Lovelace & Lillian Gilbreth: Women in science
After watching videos and reading the articles on Ada Lovelace and Lillian Gilbreth, I think there are many similarities between both women especially the influences of the men in their lives. The first men that both Lillian Gilbreth and Ada Lovelace influence are their own fathers. Lillian Gilbreth’s father opposed her education but she overcame…
Design is to work for all
As an interaction designer, I am committed to designing designs that truly meet people’s needs. We have limited imagination. Therefore, we should learn to be good at observing the details of life and recording people’s demands. The pain points in life often need to be solved by us. Not only the general audience, but also…
Design with Intention
Design is problem solving. Design must carry intention, and be built upon a layer of functionality before beautification. It shall remain simple. Minimal. A focus perhaps even on sustainable, and aimed at the reconnection of humans to their natural state living among the world. Design should become less visible, more practical and most often centered…
Be Spiritual!
My manifesto would be “be spiritual!” With the continuous development of the material world, most human beings now live by the material. They feel that the things they hold in their hands are what truly belongs to them. But people forget the importance of the spiritual world. We forgot to listen to the truest voice…
DaVinci & Me
Since 1040 AD when moveable wood type was first developed in China it has been much further developed and has found applications outside of texts exclusive to aristocrats. During the Renaissance in the late 13th Century the versatility and creative application of moveable type became more apparent with interesting variations of letters with addition of…
Peter’s Manifesto
I am a designer. I design something to help people and solve problems for people. Design is different from art, art is about self-express, but the design is about to think for others. When I was young, I wanted to be a superhero because superhero’s job is to help people. After I grow up, I…
Ada Lovelace’s contributions to Interaction Design
Ada Lovelace knew lots of famous scientists such as Andrew Crosse, Charles Babbage, Sir David Brewster, Charles Wheatstone, Michael Faraday and the author Charles Dickens because of her family and education environment. The documentaries of these men scientists’ achievement are very detailed and well-explain compared with women scientists. One of her friend Charles Wheatstone is an excellent English polymath. A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical…
Manifesto: Observation, Reflection, and Innovation
ObservationAll great creation begins with observation. If we can’t see the flying birds, maybe we won’t create airplanes. In an interview with human center design, Don Norman proposed that the first step to understanding human needs is not to ask them, but to learn to observe. People are always used to things that feel normal,…
Manifesto of a young Interaction Designer
1. I view design as a collaborative process whereas you always learn more about yourself, your team, your users, and your community. I want to use creative practices to address the deepest challenges our communities face. 2. I work toward sustainability. I believe our designs should last longer, function better and have less to none…
Manifesto: Acceptance of All
If I were to make the world a better place, I would start by helping the least privileged individuals to be recognized, respected, and included by people more privileged than them. For example, the disabled, people who are transgender, who are of color, etc. By helping the normalization and acceptance of these groups of people,…
Finding Deeper Meaning Past the Face of Design
As newly taught designers within the field of interaction (or any other field of design), we can easily decide to work for a company as long as we get paid. This can be a pitfall when the company starts to control the outcome of our designs to be tailored towards their own profitable gains. But,…
El – Manifesto
Art should be for everyone, regardless of class or economic status. Design should help with this. Design should be focused on redesigning what is broken before designing new systems just to patch up the old. Design should focus on how to design less products. How do you redesign waste and disposable mindsets? Design should be…
Movable type
It’s important to understand how print design, which is the grandfather of webpage design, got started. And that all stems back to moveable type on the printing press. This really solidified the design-by-grid method that has become a staple. Whether it’s become a staple because it’s good, or because we are used to it, I’m…
Bibliography- Early Cave Paintings turned Modern day Icons
Early cave paintings are some of the first marks we have found left by humans of long ago. Whether they were used to tell stories, give information, as art, or all of it, they remain a fascination of designers today. How do you convey so much information with just the few simple lines of an…
Why pioneer contributions to Interaction Design history matter?
When I checked her contribution to society and other men’s contributions to society online. I think everyone contributes to society, and these contributions are very important, regardless of hierarchy. But the strange thing is that the description of these contributions is strange. I have never seen the title being the first male. But Lillian Moller…
For a better world
Since I decided to pursue design, I could grasp to live in different countries, the UK, the USA, and my home country, South Korea. While staying in the UK, I faced an utterly exotic system compared to Korea. The different language was an obvious obstacle. The education was different: having 13th grade and a 3-year-long…
Manifesto of Brian Zhao
I lived in China for many years before I moved to America. I finished my elementary school and a part of junior high school there. During these 12 years, three relatives of mine left me. After I moved to America, I finished junior high and high school. And before I could even graduate from high…