Day: October 12, 2020

Biography: Eduardo F. Ortiz

Eduardo F. Ortiz has over twelve years of computer engineering, user experience, and product design experience. Some of his most impactful works have been co-founding Project 100—an organization helping elect progressive women into government—-and &Partners—which teams up with organizations who are helping to improve their communities—, and was the Executive Creative Director for the US…

From a demo to a dystopia?

More than fifty years ago, Doug Engelbart showed a preview of the future. Engelbart’s idea was that computers of the future should be optimized for human needs: communication and collaboration. Instead of punch cards and taking a while to process, computers should have keyboards and screens that are responsive. So, he with his time built…

From zero interaction to passive interaction, to active interaction

Before Doug Englebart introduced his keyboard and mouse prototype, users cannot interact with computers, since computers cannot provide any intermediate results and show running processes to users, and, in contrast, users cannot control and interact with computers. What the users and computers can do is that users can submit computation tasks and computers will show…
