Day: October 28, 2020

Interaction Pattern Language

After reading Alexander’s pattern language, I wondered what the pattern was. Patterns are standard solutions to the problems that appear in the context as part of an effort to systematically reveal the ‘how’ or ‘process’ of architectural design – and the pattern of constant interaction with other elements in space follows the order of “situation”…


Compare Work Community to Slack The idea of Work Community is to create positive experiences during work. Since people spend more time in the office than at home, It is very necessary to have workplace function as communities: where it provides opportunities so people are able to exercise, socialize,or relax during breaks. The messaging app…

The Demo to Today’s Technology

The demo from the Visible Language Workshop presents interconnections between visual elements that share a similarity with Christoper Alexander’s Patterns. As Christopher Alexander mentioned in Patterns from a Pattern Language, “work communities will help form boundaries, and then form activity nodes”. In the demo video, it shows virtual building blocks which navigate the viewers in…
