Hironobu Sakaguchi is a well-known Japanese game designer, producer, writer and former film director. He was born in 1962 in Hitachi, Japan. Although he started out studying to become an electrical engineer while attending Yokohama National University, he decided to drop out in 1983. He then began working for Square, which was part of Denyusha…
From Small Town Architecture to Web Apps – Design Patterns
The design patterns from the book A Pattern Language comes from Christopher Alexander’s observation of small towns that survived from the Medieval century. The way people construct the buildings falls naturally along with a certain set of rules, which sets the base of early architecture. In #41 Work Community, Alexander explores the physical and social…
Tomoko Miho
Tomoko Miho is a Japanese-American graphic designer, born in 1931 and spent her early years at an Arizona internment camp during World War II.1 After graduation at Minneapolis College of Art and Design and Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, she worked for George Nelson, an American industrial designer known for being one of…
Humane Communication
Christopher Alexander presented case studies of human patterns. Degrees of Publicness claim to make a clear definition between three different kinds of people: extrovert, intermediate, and introvert by explaining planning houses placement. Facebook has a setting to make one’s profile visible to people. In the Friends tab, Facebook suggests people a user may know, accompanied by two responses:…
Kim Goodwin
Kim Goodwin is the author of the bestselling book, Designing for the Digital Age. Kim helps clients build their own product and design competencies and cultures, both through organizational consulting and through leading highly collaborative research, product strategy, and design engagements. You may also know Kim from her previous work as Vice-President, Design and General…
Mapping the Futures of Other Worlds
In reading John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War, I found that my mind was drawn to imagine the described extrnal PDA’s and internal BrainPal™ interfaces to be similar to our current day iPhones and voice controlled assistants. This may be because I am accustomed to such technology, and this experience bled into my interpretation of the…
Imagined PDA and Brain Pal
Brain Pal Inspired by John Scalzi’s fiction, I am thinking of the way to combine AR interfaces with actual objects. For example, people can plug in chargers into the interfaces instead of sockets. Maybe in the future, architectures we construct today can be composed of AR interfaces.
PDA and BrainPal interfaces
PDA Sketch and BrainPal Interface + Interaction Scalzi’s writing had covered many aspects of the possibilities that humans could interact with a smart device and its useful in making life easy and productive. The comparison of his fiction to the current smartphones as the following: Touch screen – this is the obvious one and with…
Computing Demo
Englebert and his team really changed the way people interacted with their computers. I think the most profound idea is the mouse. The made the option available to go back to any point in a document with one easy motion. You could also use it to navigate in different ways. It made the drag-and-drop feature…