Year: 2020

Thoughts on Bauhaus House

To me, Bauhaus was an avant-garde movement. It was influenced by modernism and constructivism, a style or a moment that meant to break the forms and ideas of traditional and classical values. Not only Bauhaus was one of the first institute that accepted black students, the Bauhaus represented the concept of minimalism, theorized on primary…

Patricia Moore

Patricia Moore, also as known as the Mother of Universal Design, is a female industrial designer in the US. Graduated from  Rochester Institute of Technology, Moore chose to complete advanced studies in biomechanics at the New York University School of Medicine and the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. Realized how important of taking empathic research to the extreme to design…

Father of Pac-Man: Toru Iwatani

Game designer Toru Iwatani was born on January 25, 1955 in Meguro, Tokyo, Japan. He is completely self-taught, without any formal training in computer, visual arts or graphic design. In 1977, at the age of 22, Iwatani joined NAMCO LIMITED, a computer software company in Tokyo, which produces video games. After entering the company, Iwatani…

Memex VS Digital Media

In the article As we may think, Vannevar Bush first brought the issue about the idea of memory extender, a proto-hypertext system, normally known as memex. In his writing, he was tired of traditional methods of using physical power:recording and retrieving piles of documents mannually. As such, he envisioned a tool that could store the…

Alan Turing: Father of A.I.

Alan Turing was a British mathematician and logician, who was born in London, United Kingdom on June 23, 1912, and died on June 7, 1954. He is now renowned as one of the most powerful thinkers of the 20th century, through his major contributions to the fields of mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, and mathematical biology….

Chetana Deorah

Chetana Deorah is an Indian American woman who grew up in Mumbai, India and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area for her masters and work. She majored in Biology for her undergrad and after a frog dissection gone wrong, quickly realized that was not the correct career path for her. She received her MFA…

#Vannevar Bush’s Vision

The Memex, Vannevar Bush designed a hypothetical document-manipulation system that would permit him to be a better researcher, by managing the annotated links he established between documents. His vision was how we handle and interact with information took a step towards the reality of the creation of hypertext and the basic linked web. It’s similar…

Eileen Gray

Eileen Gray, born on August 9th, 1878, was a female architect and furniture designer. Gray grew up in London and took up painting as a hobby and job. By 1920, she opened up a shop known as: Galerie Jean Desert. This shop allowed her to open up an art gallery to show her work and…
