Year: 2020

Adele Goldberg

Adele Goldberg was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. After completing her bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at the University of Michigan, Adele started to think computing science as a possible career. She participated in developing the programming language and various concepts related to object-oriented programming as a computer scientist in the…

El _ Memex Reflection

The Memex, designed by Vannevar Bush was the first way to “link” information through a machine. Bush envisioned a system where one could pull up two different sources of information, and digitally link them. This was the first hyperlink, which later became a staple of the internet. In the early 2000’s, blogs were blowing up,…

Irene Au

Irene Au is a female user experience designer based in Palo Alto, California. She graduated from bachelor’s of science degree USC electrical and computer engineering and master’s of science degree from UIUC’s science in industrial engineering and human-computer interaction. Irene is also a person who has a lot of jobs, she is an executive, a yoga…

The First Lady of Engineering

Lillian Moller Gilbreth: Americas First Lady of Engineering Lillian Gilbreth, born May 24, 1978 in Oakland California, was a trailblazer in Industrial Engineering, Psychology, and Industrial Management. She began her journey as Americas First Lady of Engineering after she obtained her bachelors in English from Berkley, a Master degree in psychology, and becoming Frank Gilbreth’s,…

Bauhaus & Interaction Design

Bauhaus put forward three basic points: The new unity of art and technology: The purpose of design is people rather than products; Design must follow natural and objective laws. These viewpoints have played a positive role in the development of industrial design, making modern design gradually move from idealism to realism, which is replacing artistic…

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid, in full Dame Zaha Hadid, Iraqi-born British architect known for her radical deconstructivist designs. In 2004 she became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize.In February 2016, the month preceding her death, she became the first and only woman to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute…

Susan Kare

Susan Kara is a pioneer graphic designer in San Francisco, California. In 2019, Susan Kara won the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement. The first icon of apple was created by Susan Kara. Susan Kara has laid the foundation for the interaction between people and computers during her several years at Apple. Her work is…

The Guiding Significance of Bauhaus Philosophy to IXD

At the beginning of the 20th century, society was undergoing a comprehensive transformation of values, production and life. At that time, Bauhaus helped industrial designers solve the confusion faced by many opportunities and phenomena. Its philosophy provides designers with good ideas and guidance in material, color, structure and function. Today, Bauhaus philosophy is also helping…

Janine Benyus

Janine Benyus is a biologist, science writer and co-founder of Biomimicry 3.8 (consultancy) and Biomimicry Institute which deals with the study of nature and how it can inspire ideas in order to create designs with sustainable solutions.  Born in 1958 in New York City, she graduated with a BS in Natural Resource Management and a…

Ellen Lupton – the True Influencer of Design Industry

Ellen Lupton‘s name might be a legend among all contemporary designers. She carries various titles & identities: writer, curator, educator, and designer. As the director of the Cooper-Hewitt Paul Warwick Thompson described as “a true polymath.” She has authored well-known books such as Thinking with Type, Graphic Design Thinking, Graphic Design: The New Basics, and Type on Screen….
