Year: 2020


1: Johannes Gutenberg was the first European invented movable type printing, and mass production of this technology, but it does not mean that he invented first, movable type printing was the earliest invention in the East. 2: During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), an official named Cai Lun improved the technique after years of…

A conversation about affordances between Gibson and Norman

Recently, the concept of affordance has been increasingly interested in the design community because it describes the relationship between human users and designed products well. It was first introduced by the perceptual psychologist James Gibson: “The affordances of the environment are what it offers the animal, what it provides or furnishes, either for good or…

Media Extension and Social Change

It is important to understand how small “media extension” affects “social change” and even the development of human history. Robert Bringhurst said, “Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form”. The greatness of movable type lies in its realization of template based on the original woodblock printing, which makes the…

The Challenges of Incorporating Technological Tools in Online Learning Environment

I believe everyone is new to face these challenges which are having class online; a traditional face-to-face learning environment usually involves students, the instructor, and the learning materials. But in an online learning environment, four kinds of interaction that can occur when learning takes place via the Internet: (1) learner-content, (2) learner-instructor, (3 learner-learner, and…

Reflection on the influence of movable type printing in the Renaissance and interactive design

As an interaction designer, what we have to do is to provide humans with more ways to communicate, including between people and between people with objects. And movable type printing is equivalent to the ancestor of interaction. The emergence of movable type printing provides the initial interaction method for human beings. China invented movable type…

Some errors

The to demonstrate for the speech dated the invention of paper in China is “179-41 BC” But according to Ancient History Encyclopedia “Traditionally, paper was invented in the early 2nd century CE, but there is evidence it was much earlier. ” and “The traditional date for the invention of more refined paper has long been 105…


In the video, ‘History of Books”, speaker claims that papyrus was made in 4000 BC. However, according to the research done by Pierre Tallet, posted on Smithsonian magazine, oldest papyrus was made in 2600 BC.  The speaker also claims that moveable type was made by Johannes Gutenberg in 16th century. But based on the lecture…


It’s important to have a basic background understanding of the importance of moveable type and the Renaissance as a time of invention, as an Interaction Designer. Moveable typeface led to the spread of words and books to the wide spectrum of society, which enabled people to interact with each other with letters. This achievement eventually…

How to create a good communication environment

People’s ability to obtain information from visual communication varies greatly. The focus is on self-controlled learning activities, which depend on the author’s accessibility and transparency of the information content and the learner’s consideration of personal status and recognition capabilities. This article talks about how to create a better learning environment on the screen. First determine…
