Author: Corey Rossi

Hover Cars!

I did my futures wheel on Hover Cars. I am personally excited about the idea of a hyper-loop and since that future isn’t too far off, I wanted to go further into the future about travel. Part of my interpretations of the future with hover cars came from the Back to the Future movie, when…

Designing With Intent

I recently had an annoying experience with the app. I was looking to buy Christmas stockings or something but I was struggling to find the “add to cart” button. It turns out there are 2 buttons for purchasing items but they work differently. One called “Deliver it” means it will be delivered to your…

Cipe Penelis

Cipe Pineles was an iconic female visual designer and Art director. Born in Vienna, Austria in 1908 she would go on to change the way we communicate through publications and magazines in the US forever.(About) She did this also while advocating for women who work during a time of changing gender roles. While holding many…

How do you stop?

Organ Trail is such an iconic game. I’ve never had the chance to play it (until this week) but had always heard people talk about how great and terrible it is. Most people actually love the game it’s the feeling of defeat that hits even harder with this game’s required time investment. Immediately starting the…

Things you do over and over

Christopher Alexanders ideas on Work Community resonate with how the app Slack works. Alexander writes, “Workplaces must not be too scattered, nor too agglomerated, but clustered in groups of about 15.” With slack companies are able to create open networks of communication between all employees while still offering specific communication spaces when they are needed….

April Greiman: The Embracer

Corey Rossi IXD History Fall 2020 April Greiman, born September 10th, 1948 in New York City, is an American contemporary graphic designer based in Los Angeles, California.2 She is currently the Director of her own design firm known as, Made in Space.1 Made in Space isn’t just any design firm, they implement a multi-disciplinary approach,…

It’s All in the Technique

Charles and Ray Eames are pretty awesome in that they were working with so many different materials and made so many different chairs with different combinations of features. When people would use their products they learn each time what made those chairs successful or not then applied that data to their ultimate design, the Eames…

The First Lady of Engineering

Lillian Moller Gilbreth: Americas First Lady of Engineering Lillian Gilbreth, born May 24, 1978 in Oakland California, was a trailblazer in Industrial Engineering, Psychology, and Industrial Management. She began her journey as Americas First Lady of Engineering after she obtained her bachelors in English from Berkley, a Master degree in psychology, and becoming Frank Gilbreth’s,…

Manafest-oh no she didn’t!

We all have our own realities Approach others with the idea that your experiences can’t be fully understood. Everyone experiences things at different rates and levels of understanding so don’t be upset when someone’s experience doesn’t align with your own. 2. Work one service job that you don’t get fired from If you are designing…
