Vannevar Bush published the famous “As We May Think” on The Atlantic Monthly in July 1945. In this article, he described an archiving and retrieval system called memex. This technology has laid a solid foundation for the rapidly developing search recommendation system. Memex provides information storage and access based on the relevant track of personal…
Susan Kare
Susan Kara is a pioneer graphic designer in San Francisco, California. In 2019, Susan Kara won the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement. The first icon of apple was created by Susan Kara. Susan Kara has laid the foundation for the interaction between people and computers during her several years at Apple. Her work is…
Design is to work for all
As an interaction designer, I am committed to designing designs that truly meet people’s needs. We have limited imagination. Therefore, we should learn to be good at observing the details of life and recording people’s demands. The pain points in life often need to be solved by us. Not only the general audience, but also…
Reflect on interaction design through understanding of universal design
As an interaction designer, our biggest goal is to make the product available to all users as much as possible. Through reading the fourth chapter of the book “Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education”. I learned that if a design can be used by the disabled, it can be used by all. The core idea…
Errors – From video “The History of Books”
The first error appears at 0:53 seconds of the video. The video shows the word “China” in Chinese. But in fact this should not be a modern simplified character. It should be the traditional characters used in ancient times. And it should be mirror reversed. As shown below: The second error appeared at 1:27 seconds…
Reflection on the influence of movable type printing in the Renaissance and interactive design
As an interaction designer, what we have to do is to provide humans with more ways to communicate, including between people and between people with objects. And movable type printing is equivalent to the ancestor of interaction. The emergence of movable type printing provides the initial interaction method for human beings. China invented movable type…
The connection between Iconography and Egyptian hieroglyphics
Pharaoh Namur’s armor joint plate should be the earliest hieroglyphics. At that time, people did not have the vocabulary that is now flooded. The only way to leave a cultural imprint is to abstract concrete things, so it also forms itself. A culture. Compared with the Sumerian alphabet and Mayan pictography, Egyptian hieroglyphics is closer…