Biography: Eduardo F. Ortiz

Eduardo F. Ortiz has over twelve years of computer engineering, user experience, and product design experience. Some of his most impactful works have been co-founding Project 100—an organization helping elect progressive women into government—-and &Partners—which teams up with organizations who are helping to improve their communities—, and was the Executive Creative Director for the US Digital Service, which was a startup started by former President, Obama, to help build better experiences with Americans and technology; his focus was in immigration and NATO.

Eduardo has worked for Rafael Chemtob, the CEO and Co-founder of TXTFi. Rafael regards Eduardo of being “superior to many in his field.” Eduardo has also worked with Nathaniel Drapiza, who is the Principal Experience Director at Verizon. Not only does Nathaniel recall Eduardo being a relentless problem solver, but he also sees him as being a great politician if he decides to quit design, one day.

Even though Eduardo has accomplished a lot in his life as a designer, he may not be as recognized as his white-male counterparts. My theory is that he does not have a lot of information about himself out there. Other than briefly talking about being in the military and his successes, Eduardo has not told his story; the development of his career. If there was more to his story, there would be more connected to him and his story. He could be a great role model for other Hispanic and Latinos designers who do not see much representation of themselves.

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