Christina Wodtke Biography

Christina R. Wodtke is an author, professor and speaker, who has dedicated her time, both to the development of high performing and great products. A lecturer in Human-Computer Interactions at Stanford University, she has written extensively on both subjects and has best-selling books including Radical Focus and Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web.

Of various approaches to product development, she advocates for the design thinking approach, which entails exploring ideas widely, narrowing insights down, then testing and generating still more wide and weird possibilities until something viable and innovative is discovered. 

She carried this into her work in Silicon Valley and held a series of executive roles in the tech industry. Most notably, she has led teams who built the events platform and created an algorithm for LinkedIn’s newsfeed. In her earlier career, as a user experience design professional, she has worked for companies like Yahoo, Hot Studio, and The New York Times to develop their sites. Moreover, she is known for a humorous speaking manner. She is frequently sought out as an expert for interviews and talks on social web design, gamification, user experience, start-up management, and innovation.

Christina has also embarked on her initiatives, founding three tech start-ups and co-founding the Information Architecture Institute, teaching design for website interaction so that it’s pleasant to use, and creating interfaces that are easy to understand.

Wodtke, Christina R. Radical focus: Achieving your most important goals with objectives and key results. Boxes and Arrows, 2017.

Wodtke, Christina. Pencil me in. 2017.

“Christina R Wodtke.” Christina R Wodtke’s Profile | Stanford Profiles, 

Wodtke, Christina, and Austin Govella. Information architecture: Blueprints for the Web. Pearson Education India, 2011.

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