Dantley Davis

Dantley Davis is currently a chief design officer at Twitter. He had a lot of experience working on UX of consumer products in social media like Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo; streaming services like Netflix, payment like PayPal, and video games Trion Worlds. 

Dantley Davis was a graduate of the University of San Francisco with Information system B.Sc degree and MBA. So he is professional in organizing information for the user, and MBA makes him a good leader. And he currently dives into the design world. He had worked as a product designer, design manager, design director, and chief of design. 

According to the “protocol.com” interview of him, Dantley is famous for his thought on leading his group. He had “built the most diverse team in tech,” he said that “As we’re working on new experiences, I have a team pause and consider all the different types of people that are using Twitter,” He thinks that Twitter should be a space or a platform for any type of people, so to make different types of people work for Twitter, help create a friendly experience for different groups of people. This also helps the design world to be improved, more diversity in this industry create more possibilities and more space to continually improve the product. 


Davis, Dantley. Dantley Davis, 2020, www.dantley.com/.

Dantley Davi(2020) LinkedIn profile. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/rbranson.

Roettgers, Janko. “Twitter Chief Design Officer Dantley Davis on Building the Most Diverse Team in Tech.” Protocol, Protocol, 23 Sept. 2020, www.protocol.com/twitter-dantley-davis-interview.

“Dantley Davis.” Semi Permanent, 2016, www.semipermanent.com/profiles/dantley-davis.

“Dantley Davis – Head of Design and Research at Twitter.” THE ORG, 2020, theorg.com/org/twitter/org-chart/dantley-davis.

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