Lisette Titre-Montgomery is an art director in the Gaming Industry with over 17 years of experience designing games and leading creative teams. She has contributed to 13 titles, including Tiger Woods Golf, The Simpsons, Dante’s Inferno, Dance Central 3, SIMS 4. As a Black woman in a predominantly White, male profession, she certainly understands the double challenge of achieving success faced by women and people of color. Consequently, she has become a vocal proponent for diversity in the gaming design profession and a leading spokesperson for the use of game curriculum to engage youths in S.T.E.A.M. curricula and careers. She is considered one of the most powerful women in tech by Business Insider Magazine.
Titre-Montgomery earned a B.F.A. in Computer Animation at Miami International University of Art and Design. She gained prominence in the industry through her art direction and team leadership at such game industry powerhouses as Electronic Arts and Ubisoft; she is currently the Art Manager at Double Fine Productions. She devotes a significant portion of her time to promoting diversity in the gaming industry. She has discussed the state of women in the tech industry in keynote speeches hosted at NASA and Intel events. She has worked with both Black Girls Code and Girls Who Code; she has taught game design to youths to support the youth community in Oakland, CA; and she serves on the board of directors of Gameheads enabling her to further promote diversity in the game industry for Oakland youths.
Being a woman of color in the game industry makes Titre-Montgomery acutely aware of the challenges of being a stranger in the strange land of game design. She constantly is reminded of the fact that she is an anomaly. This leads to all kinds of false assumptions made about her ability to relate to computer game audiences and whether she has the requisite life experiences necessary to be effective.
Works cited:
Helton, Daniel. Lisette Titre (1977- ), 7 June 2020, www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/titre-lisette-1977/.
Lisette Titre Portfolio, www.lisettetitre.com/.
Lisette Titre-Montgomery – Share Your Road, womeninstem.shareyourroad.com/profile/33502567.
“Lisette Titre.” The National STEM Video Game Challenge, stemchallenge.org/experts/lisette-titre/.