BBSes remind me of that scene in the 1996 film Scream, where Drew Berrymore is being chased throughout her house and manages to lock herself in her room. She then goes to her computer and runs some system where she “called” 911 and typed out what was happening and she got a very slow response. Definitely check it out if scary movies are your thing, especially this classic.
I also remember a time when you couldn’t really call 911 on your cellphone and there was a longer cellphone specific number to call so their systems could find out where you were calling from.
Really surprised about the long number for the emergency call. Cannot imagine how bad the caller felt when dialing or trying to remember the number.
Interesting! I will definitely check out the movie.
I like the hierarchy you drew which explained servers and their purpose to communicate. Makes it easy to see the history of how servers came to work.
Lol big bad servers…I do recall how slow of a response the internet gave during the AOL days of 56k modem connections. But nonetheless, it was interesting being introduced to something for personal use at home. Speed has definitely shaped how we are able to communicate with eachother.