The WELL, the name itself, even sounds very utopian to me. Indeed, it was the new beginning of the internet and the birth of the virtual community. What I find fascinating is that the similarities between the Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design and today’s social media. All of these eight rules are so profound and practical to our practice today. However, there are some elements of the virtual community have improved. For example, now we can have personalized space for ourselves; if we don’t want to share anything, we can make it private whenever we want. Additionally, one of the most significant differences between the internet in the 1980s and now is, while BBSes could only perform asynchronous interactions, today’s technology can perform “live” features, like Facetime and Zoom. This vital feature allows users to achieve their productivity and connectivity.
I agree that the eight golden rules is similar to not only today’s social media, but also lots of aspects of interaction design
When you are saying “private space”, are they really that secure? Just a fun thing to think about… Even you upload something and lock up so only you can see, there are still ways to access them. And privacy is always an issue.
Love your use of colors and arrows. It made it really easy for me to understand why hypertext is accessible.