After reading Alexander’s pattern language, I wondered what the pattern was. Patterns are standard solutions to the problems that appear in the context as part of an effort to systematically reveal the ‘how’ or ‘process’ of architectural design – and the pattern of constant interaction with other elements in space follows the order of “situation” -> “problem” -> “solution” What about pattern language? Originally pattern language means the design of architecture based on patterns and realization methods. In other words, expressing and communicating various techniques within a particular formative rule, as if communicating with a ‘language,’ a pattern is collected and organized into a single system. As such, pattern language can be found not only in architecture but also in design. From the designer’s perspective, they accumulate knowledge, present problems, and solution checks, and use usability principles and design guidelines as essential criteria.
Here is example of Discord. Discord has a similar structure to slack. User can create a group that allows us to communicate with people in it, and the patterns on this website can be found to be similar to the Slack or Facebook

Discord(Top) / Slack (Bottom)

Menu selection pattern – pull-down/pop-up/tap menu, etc.
Input pattern – the input pattern in which the system receives data from the user.
Display pattern – color labels, etc. related to the display of data or documents.
Guide and Feedback Patterns – Error Examples, Patterns Related to Help Ejects
Layout Patterns – Screen ‘Full Patterns Related to Grid or Layout on Web Page’
Icon and color patterns – Visual design patterns such as icons, images, colors, typography, etc.
We use sites with similar patterns, depending on circumstances or needs. But I don’t think everything is the same just because it’s a similar pattern. It seems that it depends on the characteristics of each site or people’s preferences.