What makes The Oregon Trail popular

“The Oregon Trail” was born in 1971 and was officially completed in 1974. It is one of the most successful games in American history, with more than 65 million copies sold. And it is an educational function game developed by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC). “Oregon Trail” is designed to help students understand the history of American pioneers in the 19th century.
This is the first time that I play The Oregon Trail. There are too many words for me but as a game from 1971, I can understand why it’s so successful. The autonomy, uncertainty, attractive storyline in the Oregon Trail also work as the main elements to attract players in nowaday’s video games. This game can bring players a sense of substitution through these elements. So the game becomes another world for the players. Minecraft which is one of the most popular games in the world also focuses on bringing the players another world besides the real world.
Although The Oregon Trail is a functional game that aims to teach students history. The things it focused on maybe different from the games now design to kill time. However, it is undeniable that since electronic games were born and became the object of professional research, functional games have been an important part of it and have gradually developed to this day.

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One thought on “What makes The Oregon Trail popular

  1. I agree with your idea, thank you for sharing, it’s interesting to know that the Oregon Trail” was born in 1971 and was officially completed in 1974. It is one of the most successful games in American history, with more than 65 million copies sold.

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