As we can see, the graphic metaphors being used in those systems are still being used today. These include icons of document, folder, disk, and drawer.
However, as the video introduces, there is no real “hierarchy” in which all the documents get organized in those earlier versions. Everything lays out flat on the desktop. I actually consider it a good strategy to help users easily transfer their experience from a physical world into this digital interpretation and help adapt to the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Contemporary interfaces introduce more hierarchy to help remain the level of productivity as the system becomes more complicated and has more variety in contents. Users can customize folders, layouts, docks, and tags to manage their files for a better wayfinding experience.
As we envision the future of technology interaction, I’m imagining a drastic change in the way files get organized. From a simple list of items (line) in the earliest computer to the grid on a desktop (plane), this transition from a 1d to 2d representation was mainly shaped by the content they mainly hold (from text-only to images and videos)(Although the earliest computer still used some tool like punch cards to visualize the outcome, I consider it as a single-dimensional interaction). Interfaces are like vessels. Their looks depend on the format of contents. Technologies like VR already starts to show the trend. As more and more 3D contents get injected into the user interfaces, there will be one point where we will not be satisfied with a 2d interface holding of all the 3d contents. That will be the point where we shift from a 2d to 3d (plane to space) interaction.
I am excited about the shift in file organisation. I think Augmented reality might be an interesting factor for the 3D vibe.
I agree as technology involves more 3D feel to there capabilities, we could possibly see a shift of information displayed from 2D to 3D planes like we see with VR and AR.