Errors within Video

After reviewing the video a couple times, I found two errors that correlate with the dates of certain claims the narrator makes.  The first possible error was spotted when the she mentions that the earliest object of a book was the Codex.  The written text shows that the Codex was first made in Greece in the fourth century and Mesoamerica around 1000 A.D.  Other sources show that the basic form of the Codex was invented in Pergamon in the third century.  Other claims state that the first recorded Roman use of the Codex for literary works dates back to the late first century by Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis). 

The second error I noticed was the date papyrus was discovered.  The video shows the year 4000 B.C. but many other sources say 3000 B.C. is the correct date.  One questionable date is when China invented paper.  The video states China invented paper somewhere between 179-41 B.C. which some sources agree but, there are other sources that state it was invented before 200 B.C.

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