Beginning – Bonus Writing

Watch the optional viewing video about the history of the book. Can you find the errors? Extra points for finding them and writing a short paragraph identifying the errors. Post to the class blog – select Beginning – Bonus Writing as the category.

  • Errors Found in The History of Books video
    After fact-checking a couple of the statements made in TEDed’s video, The History of Books, I found a couple of errors. For example, the video said that Egyptian papyrus paper dated back to 4000 BCE, but according to Ancient History Encyclopedia, the production of papyrus paper went all the way back to 6000 BCE. The…
  • Historical Errors
    Here the mistake is that the video says the Codex is the earliest format of the book, however it is known that there is evidence of codexes first appearing in 1st Century AD (Peterson). Here the video claims paper was first invented between 179-41 BC, however the exact date of papers origins is still unknown,…
  • The errors that I found
    The movable type was invented during the Northern Song Dynasty, which is 1041-1048 AD. In the video, it has been said that the movable type was invented around 1045-1058 AD. Instead of the simplified Chinese”中国” shows in the animation when introducing the movable types, these two characters should be in traditional Chinese “中國” and should…
  • Finding Errors by Hermione
    The movable type was invented during 1041-1048.  Is not a historical issue, but on 0:53 the press with Chinese letter were mirrored in the wrong direction. 
  • Errors within Video
    After reviewing the video a couple times, I found two errors that correlate with the dates of certain claims the narrator makes.  The first possible error was spotted when the she mentions that the earliest object of a book was the Codex.  The written text shows that the Codex was first made in Greece in…
  • Mistakes in the video
    At 0:37, the video mentioned the earliest format of the book–codex. However, as early as the early 2nd century, there is evidence that a codex—usually of papyrus—was being used by Christians (Wikipedia). At 0:50, the video introduces the invention of movable type between 1045-1058 in China. In fact, the invention of movable type can be traced…
  • Finding Errors
    At 0:38 into the video. First codex was invented around 300 AD. 2. At 1:24 into the video. China invented the paper in (25-200 AD) Eastern Han Period instead of 179-41 BC. 3. At 1:31 into the video. First roll of papyrus is dated about 3000 BC instead of 4000 BC.
  • Bonus Writing 1 – Types
    TEDs Talk – Johannes Gutenberg in the mid 15th century rather in 1445. Moveable type in Easter culture in 1045-1054 rather than 1041-1048. Gutenberg made the technology practical not Gutenberg press. He just made it better and accessible. The very rich was the one who had access to the book not just the monks and…
  • Bonus Writing: The History of Books Errors
    In the TEDx talk about the history of books, there are a couple historical inconsistencies. The first one I found was about the claim that the codexes from Greece and Mesoamerica was the first written book, created in the 4th century and the 11th century respectively. However, in the 3rd century, Sumerians in Mesopotamia had…
  • Error
    The video said that the movable type was invented in China around 1045-1058. But actually, the movable type was invented during the Northern Song Dynasty (1041-1048) The video said that Chinese people invented the paper 2000 years ago(179-41BC). But the earliest paper found in China is around 206-8 BC. Cai Lun improved papermaking skills during…
  • Errors
    The first error I found out was the age shown below, it should be 1045-1048(Northern Song Dynasty). The second error I found out was the Chinese characters on the image should be carved in a reversed way, and also should not be a simplified form. The earliest date of the invention of paper could be…
  • Finding Errors
    1. The basic form of the codex was invented in Pergamon in the third century B.C.E. or had earlier forms. The fourth century B.C.E. was the age of its popularity. 2. An obvious error is the two Chinese characters should be carved reversely.Also, in Song Dynasty, In the Song Dynasty, they should be traditional Chinese…
  • Errors
    1: Johannes Gutenberg was the first European invented movable type printing, and mass production of this technology, but it does not mean that he invented first, movable type printing was the earliest invention in the East. 2: During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), an official named Cai Lun improved the technique after years of…
  • Errors
    1.The first error I found is the date of the codex. I believe it can be traced back to the 1st century, not the 4th century. 2.The second error I found is the image for two Chinese movable type should be in reverse. 3.The third error I found is the paper was invented around 105A.D…
  • Errors – From video “The History of Books”
    The first error appears at 0:53 seconds of the video. The video shows the word “China” in Chinese. But in fact this should not be a modern simplified character. It should be the traditional characters used in ancient times. And it should be mirror reversed. As shown below: The second error appeared at 1:27 seconds…
  • Some errors
    The to demonstrate for the speech dated the invention of paper in China is “179-41 BC” But according to Ancient History Encyclopedia “Traditionally, paper was invented in the early 2nd century CE, but there is evidence it was much earlier. ” and “The traditional date for the invention of more refined paper has long been 105…
  • Errors
    In the video, ‘History of Books”, speaker claims that papyrus was made in 4000 BC. However, according to the research done by Pierre Tallet, posted on Smithsonian magazine, oldest papyrus was made in 2600 BC.  The speaker also claims that moveable type was made by Johannes Gutenberg in 16th century. But based on the lecture…
  • Finding Errors
    In the 0:36 second of the video, the video showed a picture of codex and captioned the origin time of codex as 4th century. But the codex actually originated in the first century, and only became popular until the 6th century. (1)  The second error appeared in the 0:52 second. The cartoon is showing two…
  • The errors
    In the educational video “History of Books,” the first error I found is the invention time of Codex. In the video, the illustration expresses that it was invented in the 4th century by Greeks. However, the correct answer is that the Romans started to use it during the 1st century, according to Wikipedia. Also, the…
  • 2 little parts
    In the video”The History of Books” when it introduced the Egyptian paper making, I noticed that the use of papyrus was not from 4000 BC, it is 1000 years early. From the oxford reference: “As a writing material, papyrus was in use in Egypt from at least 3000 BCE”Also when talking about the inventor of…
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