Why Understand Moveable Type and Renaissance is Important to Interaction Designer

To understand the invention time during the Renaissance and the moveable type is important for the interaction designer. The job of the interaction designer is to figure out problems and to create better interactive experiences between humans and products. This is why we should learn about technology from different time periods so we can learn from it. Renaissance is one of the most important times in history. At the time, people start to discover a lot of different things, many new knowledge and ideas came out during this time, also people like Leonardo Da Vinci designed many products which were very modern. So now, as the interaction designer, we should learn from their experience, create products that can bring better experiences to today’s people. Also, the moveable type is an important resource for the interaction designer to study. The moveable type gave people during that time a chance to learn more by reading, it helps information easier to spread out. Today, as an interaction designer our job is pretty similar to what the moveable type had done. The moveable type helped spread information during that time, and today we are making information easier to understand: make things easier to use, make products more humanize, make the interactive experience between humans and products better.

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