Why we study historical invention as interaction designers

As interaction designers, we study the interaction between humans and objects. In studying the early inventions, we can ask: How things evolved into what we have now? What features are being eliminated? What is kept in its original form? History shows us the evolving process of human thoughts. Each of those great inventions serves as a milestone that highlights how humans discover a brand new way of interaction. Although a lot of those inventions are so groundbreaking that they look like something from the blessing of God, there are patterns. The principles of interaction design also come in handy when creating physical products. In studying history we explore how people in each generation interact with certain objects, understanding why they do certain actions to generate timeless principles, then use those principles to compose our future vision.

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4 thoughts on “Why we study historical invention as interaction designers

  1. I like the language you used throughout this post. Very thoughtful look at why we study history as designers.

  2. Very insightful statement! I’m curious to see how you would identify the key factors of the “evolving process of human thoughts”? What triggers the changes in the human’s thinking process and where it leads mankind to eventually? It’s great to review the history and maybe we can use that to foresee the future trend of interaction~

  3. Hi Amanda,

    This is beautiful! I think its really eye-openning to consider that the principles we accept so wholeheartedly today are initially concieved from human interactions. Especially in a time where new innovations seem to happen everyday, it is the ones that “stick” (for lack of a better word) that will persevere into an unknown future.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. I love the phrasing of history being the “evolving process of human thoughts.” With this mindset, it’s easy to see how with every new invention, we become more and more aware of how sky-high the possibilities are.

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