Research Essay: the importance of the design language

In the journal Design Languages: A Powerful Medium for Communicating Designs, the author Kay Kyeongju Seo and Andrew S. Gibbons point out that design language is an important term to form, express, and communicate design. The more complex the design is, the more design language will be needed. When identifying the design language terms, useful elements will be selected to structure the product through the design processes. Flexibility is a major characteristic of the design language. Elements and terms will become more and more diverse throughout the project. The author also mentions that sharing design language and keep the terms updated will make the design and collaborations efficiently.


Design Languages: A Powerful Medium for Communicating Designs Author(s): Kay Kyeongju Seo and Andrew S. Gibbons

Source: Educational Technology, November-December 2003, Vol. 43, No. 6 (November- December 2003), pp. 43-46

Published by: Educational Technology Publications, Inc. Stable URL:

Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of building. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rheinfrank, J., & Evenson, S (1996). Design languages. In T. Winograd (Ed.), Bringing design to software. Reading,  MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Winograd, T.(1996). Bringing design to software. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

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One thought on “Research Essay: the importance of the design language

  1. Interesting article! but i am curious about the standard of design language. what is defined as a set of design languages and what would it influence? Also, is design language mainly involved in the visual design field or it could be in any design field?

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