Representation in the History of Graphic Design

In the journal, ‘Graphic Design History: Past, Present, and Future’ by Teal Triggs, Triggs talks about how the history of graphic design did not originate from what we might consider aspects of design. Careers we might associate as contributors graphic design are “‘printing, typography, photography, and advertising.'” Credit to the origins could include “‘anthropology, aesthetics, politics, economics….'” Triggs also shared how there is a call for cultural representation in the history of design for those who would have only had verbal forms of history-keeping. For example, South Africa’s tribal textiles and graphics. Identifying the origins of graphic design’s history is difficult to reference but recognizing contributions is a step in the right direction.


Triggs, Teal. “Graphic Design History: Past, Present and Future.” Design Issues 27, no. 1 (2011): 3-6. Accessed September 11, 2020.

Barbara Hodik and Roger Remington, The First Symposium on the History of Graphic Design: The Coming of Age (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1983), 5.

Victor Margolin, “The Scope and Methodology of Design History,” in Barbara Hodik and Roger Remington, The First Symposium on the History of Graphic Design: The Coming of Age (Rochester Institute of Technology, 1983), 26.

Kate Wells, Edgard Sienaert, and Joan Conolly, “The Siyazama Project: A Traditional Beadwork and AIDS Intervention Program,” Design Issues 20:2 (Spring 2004): 73-89.

Don Beer, “Book Review: Past Futures. The Impossible Necessity of History (based on the Joanne Goodman Lectures),” (review no.484) Reviews in History. http://

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