On “Having it All”

As with much of our understanding of the current day, Interaction Design as a discipline emerged at the convergence of various disciplines, as the result of the work and dedication of numerous contributors. A name of particular importance is that of Lillian Gilbreth, who is not only highly awarded for her work in engineering and psychology, but a mother of twelve.

As a woman today, I am constantly told that I can’t “have it all”, and that at one point I must choose between my career or a family. The personal life of Gilbreth is significant in that she not only did what most would consider impossible, but allowed her familial relationships to inform her work. Her passions were far-reaching and by following her curiosities, she produced work that so greatly shaped our discipline and how we experience the world today.

In honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020), and in light of her recent death, she states, “If you have a caring life partner, you help the other person when that person needs it. I had a life partner who thought my work was as important as his, and I think that made all the difference for me.” (Ritschel). Women should never have had to “choose” between work and life, and doing so insinuates that these two facets of life are mutually exclusive. Ultimately, anyone, regardless of their rank or status, is human and only doing the best they can to make sense of their own existence. It is important to discuss the lives and work of pioneers of the industry, particularly so of women, to show others who look like them that they are just as capable to achieve what they want. Additionally, it is also important to see how members of marginalized groups combat the oppressor and continue to fight on regardless.

As Alexandria Ocasioio-Cortez says in “A Message From the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez“, “We can be whatever we have the courage to see”.

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2 thoughts on “On “Having it All”

  1. I like how you condense the dilemma that working women facing into a short yet powerful “have it all”. And I really appreciate the additional sources you addressed. The embedded links build up that inventory where the class can all draw reference from.

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