Ada Lovelace knew lots of famous scientists such as Andrew Crosse, Charles Babbage, Sir David Brewster, Charles Wheatstone, Michael Faraday and the author Charles Dickens because of her family and education environment. The documentaries of these men scientists’ achievement are very detailed and well-explain compared with women scientists.
One of her friend Charles Wheatstone is an excellent English polymath. A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer. When she was a teenager, her mathematical talents led her to a long working relationship and friendship with fellow British mathematician Charles Babbage, who is known as “the father of computers”.

Ada was so ahead of her time, she imagined this machine calculating equations, doing research, and processing much more complex algorithms. She even predicted it may one day be used to create long intricate scores of music, just as we do use it today. this proves she was able to see potential that was over 100 years away from being realized.
Very thoughtful explanation for this amazing women
very detailed explanation! I agree the last sentence: “The most important point is that Ada Lovelace let us see great power from the female.”