Bauhaus put forward three basic points: The new unity of art and technology: The purpose of design is people rather than products; Design must follow natural and objective laws. These viewpoints have played a positive role in the development of industrial design, making modern design gradually move from idealism to realism, which is replacing artistic self-expression and romanticism with rational and scientific ideas. In interaction design, we design to solve people’s problems based on new technology and satisfy human needs first.
My personal understanding is that: Bauhaus shows that the design only needs to satisfy the basic functions. In interaction design, we also follow the Occam’s Razor theory (Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.)
Bauhaus also raised 3 important things for all design major students: 2D, 3D, and color.

Kandinsky Form and Color Exercise show the relationship between the color, the mental model, and the human’s feeling. Yellow is “sharp”, blue feels more “deeper” and “restful”, and red is “assertive” and “forceful”. these things all will be used in the interaction design to bring the users a better design.
Thank you for sharing! It’s good to know that Bauhaus put forward three basic points: The new unity of art and technology: The purpose of design is people rather than products; Design must follow natural and objective laws. These viewpoints have played a positive role in the development of industrial design,