Design is to work for all

As an interaction designer, I am committed to designing designs that truly meet people’s needs. We have limited imagination. Therefore, we should learn to be good at observing the details of life and recording people’s demands. The pain points in life often need to be solved by us. Not only the general audience, but also the needs of a few special groups. At the same time, our imagination is infinite. Beauty is important, but convenience is more important for an interaction designer. Don’t add superfluous things to the design. Understand the content frequently used by users, and don’t confuse users. “Less is more” is the most reasonable saying I pursue as a designer. It is hoped that the gap between users’ expectations and users’ experience can be narrowed as much as possible. Think about design problems according to feedback. And constantly improve and improve it. In the continuous testing process, learn as much as possible about customer needs and improve user experience. Simple design is to execute, and great design is to inherit.

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5 thoughts on “Design is to work for all

  1. I agree on that observation on human is crucial element for us. The observation may make us easy to come up with a solution for better experience.

  2. I like how you emphasized the importance of looking into pain points as a designer; this really helps identify issues at hand that need to be fixed to create better experiences.

  3. Nicely said – it’s like to see more of the generalities expressed in a more personal way. What will you do as a designer? How will you specifically approach the work to make people’s lives and experiences better. You have a great start here.

  4. I really like you said “less is more” is your motivation to design. To me, I like minimalistic design aethestic and I believe it is hard to manifest the stuff you want to put into your design with just few visuals or signifers.

  5. I completely agree on designing to meet people’s needs and keeping things simple. If it’s unnecessary or even too complex for them to use, then it wasn’t designed with user’s in mind.

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